How’s Life?

Dorell James
2 min readJul 4, 2020

Today as I look into my memories at Facebook, I happen to bump into my post 8 years ago. Every single day I look at my posts and I can still remember my younger self as passionate, hungry for what’s to come, and goal-oriented.

But I guess and as sad as it may seem, life has happened to me because of the lack of things I’ve chosen for myself. When my life got a little bit better after earning a few pesos, I thought to myself that this is fine now, I don’t need more. To be honest, I think the real motivation before was just to make our (me and my family) lives comfortable and it seems when I thought I got there, I became complacent and the drive, hunger, and all other things weren’t there anymore.

To be honest, I really don’t know anymore what were my dreams at that time. I’m pretty sure though I was so eager back then and motivated like hell, but heck, what happened? I can’t remember anymore how my life went on and became this. If there’s anything I want to change, I would want it differently by doing things and planning my life. I guess it’s lucky for others to know what they really want in their lives. In my case, I never really understood what I want in terms of aspirations and dreams. All I really cared after all this time is to live comfortably and happy. I never wanted to become famous like others. I’m contented with the life I have achieved and probably will be just like this. Sometimes I think what I do in the community is me filling the whole I have after all this time. I don’t know but I certainly want to change things now more than ever.

How about you? How’s life?

